You've spent the last month getting your MS in the best shape it can be.
You wrote the query letter and a dozen or more people read it. You rewrote it a gazillion times, based on their feedback, and now it rocks!
You wrote the synopsis, had maybe half as many people read that, and rewrote it even more times than the QL. (Gah! I hate synopses.)
You've polished your first 10 pages, gotten multiple readers for them, taken their feedback, incorporated it and rewritten.
If you're like me, you've done a ton of reading of both mentors' books (look for them to show up in my December reviews) and reading to find comparables for your MS. (I'm still looking/reading...)
You got at least three Critique Partners who were willing to read your entire MS, and are probably still combing through all the feedback and making changes (they won't all get done before PW, and that's OK!).
Tomorrow, 9/11 at 10 pm EDT, the mentors release their Wish Lists.
Squeee!!!! The fun begins.
Researching who you think your MS would benefit the most from is a little like going shopping for a house on no budget. It leads to all kinds of daydreams and wishful thinking.
So don't forget to stay grounded. There's WNDB in October, and First Five Pages to shoot for as well. Don't neglect preparing for those. And if you're like me and have another project in the works, start pecking away at that, too.
You got this. Best of luck to all who enter, and let me know if you do, and I'll cheer on your MS!