I mentioned last week that I finally feel like I've got an editable MS and no longer a WIP.
In previous posts, I mentioned that I wasn't keeping a super close count on words, but it was a concern with each draft, and I always edit in between drafts, so each time I start rewriting with the leanest possible text. I tried, with each version, to stay close to the word count that I wanted to hit.
After feedback from beta-readers who demanded more mystery elements in the story and a better, tougher characterization of my MC, however, I temporarily threw word count out the window. I busted my target word count but never by an insurmountable number (at least, not to me). Then, I went back and edited for story / plot / mystery element consistency. I absolutely love using the spreadsheet for this!
However, now that those story elements are all squared away, I'm tackling the MS with an eye to picking and choosing only the words that move the story forward. As a result, I am tightly focused on word count and editing for economy of words. I'm toward the end of this latest version, which feels pretty good, and I've already eliminated 16,000 words.
I'm focused on individual scenes and overall scene progression. At this stage, I gotta repeat, I love the spreadsheet! It shows ruthlessly when description, characterization or dialogue (yes!) bogs the story down, and needs to be cut. It's amazing how much better it reads after slicing.
Then I hand it off to my alpha-reader, who inevitably finds even more to strengthen, tighten and cut. He's absolutely amazing that way, and I haven't thanked him enough!