I reviewed the first book last Christmas, and thought now would be a great time to run the review of the sequel.
If you remember, Only Farrow is abducted in the first book and brought to King Renart to be one of his servants. She can "see" lies, as a sort-of corona of light around the person, as s/he speaks. Different colors indicate various levels of honesty. An invaluable talent for a King to command, right?
Until someone uses Only's "invulnerable" ability to lie to her...without Only, or anyone else, for that matter, knowing. I won't spoil how the villain does it (or who the villain is, because that would spoil the read, right?), but know, any "ability" can be turned into a "liability" and it was interesting to read how this happens to Only.
Because Only can't see the liar, her brother's wife's people, the Ordish, get the blame for all the horrible fires and near-riots plaguing the kingdom, when it's all a set-up to pave the way for the villain's attempted take-over!
We enjoyed this wrap-up of an interesting character's journey and exploration of the concept of "seeing" lies.