Summer Reading Kick-Off!
Today starts the official kick-off of Summer Reading on my blog, where you'll find all fun science-fiction and fantasy reads, all summer, through the end of July. This is my favorite time of year to post reviews (although I'm actually reading for my December holiday list right now ;-), because sci-fi and fantasy are my two favorite genres. Squee!
I do hope you enjoy the reads as much as I did.
There are a bunch of books in this series, so if you've got a voracious reader, this is a great series to start!
Kendra and Seth are sent to their grandparents' mansion in Connecticut for the summer, when their parents go on a cruise to honor the lives of their other grandparents (on their mom's side of the family) who recently asphyxiated themselves in their trailer.
The kids are not exactly wanted, as their grandfather makes it very clear the timing of their visit is "terrible." But he doesn't elucidate why.
When the kids arrive, they discover they're staying in the attic nursery with a chicken, Goldilocks. Then he lays down the rules: They can't leave the lawn. No going into the woods, as it's the height of Lyme Disease season, and under no circumstances can they go into the enormous barn. No TV or any other electronic media to entertain themselves. (Can anyone say, recipe for bored kids breaking rules like ASAP?)
So what does Seth do, right off the bat? Head for the woods. And all is NOT as it seems on grandpa's land. An old hag chewing on a knot in a rope tries to get Seth to come inside her hut. He resists, but only just.
Later, a sip of the milk left out for the butterflies gives the kids new "sight," and suddenly they're aware of all the spectacular faerie creatures all around them.
Just what kind of "farm" is their grandpa running?
I won't ruin the plot, but know it's a save-the-world from the faerie woods in Connecticut kind of adventure. An excellent series starter!