It's the start of Spring and I've got some awesome reads this month!
The Crown Heist is Art and Camille's third art heist foil together in the Lost Art Mysteries series, but this one features more of Camille's brilliance, which was fine by us. Ben's back in Spy School at Sea for a brilliant skewering of the cruise biz that had us alternatively crying and in side-stitches, laughing so hard.
Faceless is a very different WWII spy / historical fantasy about a young girl's surveillance role in a mission to assassinate Hitler. A Whale in Paris is about a young girl who must lead a whale that's separated from its pod and swum up the Seine River during WWII Nazi-occupied France to freedom.
The Night Ride is for horse lovers and features a young girl who must figure out a way to support her family and save her favorite horse from a dangerous night-time racing course.
In the Hall with a Knife, In the Study with the Wrench and In the Ballroom with the Candlestick are brilliant YA cozies based on the board game, Clue, but we really loved the spins this author gives to the classic characters! Rivals asks the question, when did middle school basketball become such a serious sport and should it be that way? Or have things gotten a bit out of control?
The Anti-Book features a very angry boy who writes everyone and everything out of his life, then must find a way to bring them all back or lose himself, forever. And finally, Ana on the Edge features an Olympic-hopeful who grows into her transgendered identity in the fish-bowl experience of practicing and performing on a skating rink.
And my reads this time last year (2021)