I've been raving about Klawde ever since I discovered his first book. It's funny, subtly ironic, diverse, and spot-on for cats and lower middle grade readers. And parents. This one was chock full of LOL moments!
AWESOME -- the Allied Warlords of Evil, Sabotage, Oppression and More Evil -- expel Klawde, revoking his membership because he can't prove he's done anything dastardly enough in the last few months he's been on Earth. Instead, he's getting rubs behind the ears from Raj and cavorting with dogs from the planet Barx.
For shame.
Basketball tryouts and a research project on Napoleon have Raj a tad bit distracted, so when Klawde begins planning his revenge, the kitty tyrant is off Raj's radar. Not for long.
Through truly amazing coincidences, Klawde is invited to join -- you guessed it -- the Good Animals Group (GAG).
Which, after the Empress of the Universe dies, gets to send a representative to the galactic get-together at which all the animal planets will elect a new Emperor or Empress of the Universe.
Do you see where this is headed? No where good, right? What could possibly be worse than being an Evil Alien Warlord of the Planet Lyttrbox?
It takes Klawde some serious napping on top of a very high tree to figure it out, but eventually he's got nefarious plan to become Emperor of the Universe.
All he has to do is pretend to be... gulp...nice. And embrace the Barx mission statement of peace. And harmony. And being nice to his fellow animals. But not hamsters. They're evil.
Can Klawde do it? Can Raj?