If you write kid lit, and haven't registered yet, this conference is definitely worth it. It's a great kid-lit conference, and with the Time Traveler admission (a whopping $25) you get access to all the speakers and content back to 2017. Can't afford that? General admission for day-of attendance, Feb. 19-21, is only $10. And it's all online.
Plus, you can meet critique partners through the Critique Partner Match, purchase a MS critique (I did a 50-page crit for my MG MS, Dragon Scales) for reasonable rates through the Critique Boutique, and participate (post your queries, openings, etc. for feedback from agents and authors and fellow budding authors) in the Forums, once they're up and running. Last year that was about two weeks before the conference started and we're still a bit far out for that. I'll add the link to this post when it's up.
Definitely something to look forward to and take advantage of (especially the CP Match!) in February!