When a girl with the exact same name, same skin color, same sense of confidence Jade created and wrote about in her notebook to soothe herself in a town where no one ever stays and every friend she's ever had has "moved on," she does a double-take.
Is Zoe real?
She is.
And she's inextricably tied to Jade's notebook, in the sense that, if Jade writes it, Zoe does it, or thinks it, or says in the way Jade's written in the notebook.
Which is kinda cool, until Jade starts to consider, is this how friends treat friends? Like playthings, puppets, marionettes, with no free will of their own? Because she likes Zoe, a lot.
Perhaps it's better to have a friend who moves on, than one who stays -- but is only a friend on the page, because she's written that way.