Last year I mentioned this writing mentor workshop and then I promptly forgot about it. I was editing and not thinking about submitting to anything or one.
But the great thing about doing the Pitch Wars submission this year, aside from all the wonderful folks I've met and interacted with online, was that I remembered the 1st 5 Pages Writing Workshop!
1st 5 Pages Writing Workshop comes highly recommended from past participants and it's on a first-to-hit-the-email-box status for being picked. It pays to get a submission ready (read the rules -- they are extensive and explicit) and just hit "Send" once a month at the appropriate time.
Then cross your fingers!
I entered for October and must have been one of the first ones in, because my chapter was chosen.
They post the participants' chapters, with feedback, to the page, so you can follow along as the pages are critiqued and I rewrite. I hope my experience inspires you to submit. I never thought I'd get in!